• Chapter 20 – Is this the call that dreams are made of?

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    It’s a Tuesday morning and I am fully into the swing of the working week already, having had a very busy morning clinic already and it was still not anywhere near lunch time when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket which normally doesn’t affect me but it seemed to bother me today, so…

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  • Chapter 19 – What’s the big wait, where is our child?

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    It has been two weeks since we were approved at panel and have had it fully confirmed by the council that we have been through the ratification process, so we can now call ourselves approved adopters. Not sure how it actually feels to be expecting a child, but it feels like we are and it’s…

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  • Chapter 18 – Adoption Approval Panel

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    The big day is finally here, PANEL DAY!! We have been awake since the early hours of the morning and to be honest neither one of us could sleep properly. Our minds going crazy feeling excited but at the same time terrified we might be rejected. Lying in bed we both agreed to just get…

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  • Chapter 17 – The Final Visit and Preparation Time

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    It’s been 3 weeks since we last saw Gemma which has felt really weird but also very relaxing knowing we haven’t had to think about any perfect answers to her questions. Following the last several weeks of home visits and workshops she is putting together our PAR (prospective adopters report) in preparation for our adoption…

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  • Chapter 16 – Rich’s One to One

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    So, it’s now been three weeks since I have seen Gemma which is probably the longest period that I haven’t seen her for quite some time now and in a weird way I think I have missed chatting to her. Mainly because every time we get to see her and talk over all the process…

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  • Chapter 15 – Lew’s One to One

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    It is time for the first of our one on one sessions and I am going first, Richard is chuffed as he gets to miss this week’s visit from Gemma and is hassle free with work for once. I on the other hand am freaking out as I know I babble and Rich is normally…

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  • Chapter 14 – Our Lives as a Timeline

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    The past couple of weeks have gone so well and the journey is actually very exciting and we are being very organised with our huge hardback folder full to the brim with forms, dividers and photocopied versions of the forms we have already submitted. I mean maybe we are a little over the top with…

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  • Chapter 13 – The First Proper Visit of Stage Two

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    So here we go, the first three-hour session with our new social worker Gemma feeling just as nervous as always but with a small sense of relief that we will not be meeting anyone new today. Gemma is taking us all the way through to approval panel, so it’s time to turn on the charm…

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  • Chapter 12 – Meeting the new Social Worker

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    So today is the day we meet our new social worker Gemma which has made us so nervous as Sue has literally been so nice and we have already created a great relationship with her. Now we have to start all over again with a new person who we may not get on with as…

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  • Chapter 11 – End of Stage 1 Visit to Check Paperwork

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    Literally so excited and quite frankly relieved to have all of our background information checks back so we can prove with evidence we are not criminal masterminds, and have the certificates to prove it. The abroad background checks from Spain, Cyprus and Finland were finally here but doubt they will be able to read them,…

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