What’s Next for Two Dads in London

Firstly, we just want to say, that the fact we are even writing this blog about what’s next for Two Dads in London, is actually crazy! There is no way that just over a year and a half ago, did we think that we would be in the position we are now, with so many amazing followers and one of the best support networks that you could ever ask for. But, thanks to you lot, that is exactly where we are, so we need to start this blog with a massive THANK YOU.
We now feel that it’s time to try and move things on a little and try go to the next level, while ensuring that we remain completely true to what we believe in and as a lot of you always ask, to not change in the process and we can promise that is something we certainly don’t plan on doing. You will not be getting rid of the coffee dances, the odd morning dance here and there, and of course the much-loved mortgage Rich “moooorrtttgggaaagggesss” I know you will all be reading that bit just how I am in my head while typing and laughing to myself.
The first thing we want to let you all know is that part of our plans is to start to work with some brands on specific adverts and campaigns, but will only ever be brands that we genuinely use, believe in or want to support. Since starting the whole Two Dads in London thing, we have had hundreds of offers to work on adverts and campaigns but never felt like we were in the position to do them, without completely changing the look and feel of our account.
We really wanted to understand ourselves what Two Dads in London was all about, and also because we were being offered work and free gifts left right and centre from brands that we either had never heard of before or wouldn’t genuinely buy and use the products ourselves. Something we wouldn’t ever want to share with our own followers, is something that we do not actually believe in.
The exciting part to all of this, is that we do already have some work going on for a couple of brands and it’s very us and the brands really do match with what we represent, so we are hoping that you will all really enjoy the content that we have created and will still be creating over the coming weeks, so keep a look out.
We have also made the conscious decision to not just be the next #gifted account receiving gift after gift, as much as it can be very hard to resist sometimes. We do completely understand why people do it and we really support those accounts that do, but we just do not feel it is for us at the moment. It would feel like we were parading lots of free gifts and wouldn’t be very fun to watch. Unless of course there is a huge benefit to you all as part of a gifting exercise, just like when we have been gifted a holiday in the past, in return for blogging about it and then getting to give you all the chance to win a free trip too. So, we have decided to continue with this approach and where things are being offered to us for free, if there isn’t anything in it for you all, then we will continue to turn them down.
Now onto YOUTUBE, I have put this in capital letters as so many people are always asking us to create our own channel and the honest answer about why we haven’t done it yet, is that we just haven’t had the time or right skills to be able to do it. You should all know by now, that if we do something, we like to do it properly. BUT we do now have plans for the start of 2021 to release our own channel and have so many great ideas for videos and content to be created. It’s going to be another watch this space really, which we do know can be annoying sometimes, but at least you now know that it will be happening and January 2021 really isn’t that far away.
We are both so looking forward to something we have planned for the end of the year and are completely trying our hardest not to slip up about it, but for now we will just say that it is going to be absolutely huge and something you will really not want to miss and it’s not just the return of Lew the Naughty Elf, which of course we can confirm will be happening on the 1st December.
Finally, we just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to read a little about what we think is happening next for the Two Dads in London Family. We always like to be completely upfront and honest about everything we are doing and as always welcome the feedback, thoughts and ideas from you all, because without you, we wouldn’t have needed to even write this. It’s a very exciting time for us though and we are really hoping that is going to give us a chance to expand what we do, how well we do it and hopefully keep you all enjoying following along with our crazy fun journey as a family.
Comments (33)
October 4, 2020 at 5:51 pm
Amazing!! Very happy for you all and I’ll look forward to what’s to come xx
October 4, 2020 at 6:11 pm
Thank you for the lovely support Zoe, we also cannot wait for some of what is to come ? x
October 4, 2020 at 9:08 pm
Hi, Lew & Rich I don’t quite understand why watching you guys each day brings me so much joy but somehow it just does.
So thankyou both ?
Teresa Paterson
October 4, 2020 at 5:53 pm
Dear Lew and Rich . WishIng you every success in your new venture. Two years ago today my amazing Dad passed away and when the loss has just taken my breath away for a minute you have just made me laugh ( as my Dad did) .Keep being you xx Teresa
October 4, 2020 at 6:12 pm
Teresa that has actually warmed our hearts this evening, to think we have had such a lovely impact ? I’m sure your lovely Dad is missed so much, but you focus on the lovely memories and you will soon be smiling again xx
October 4, 2020 at 6:31 pm
I’ve loved following you and having you all put a smile on my face daily. I can’t wait to hear all about what you have planned for next year. As they say “I’m watching this space” xxx
October 4, 2020 at 6:02 pm
So pleased for you to work with brands you believe in. I do hope one is Starbucks ? Love your account, you’re a lovely little family who deserve success. Good luck to you all xx
October 4, 2020 at 6:13 pm
It’s only because of all you lovely people who actually bother to follow along with what we get upto. But OMG I haven’t even thought about Starbucks haha, I need to get onto this lol ? x
Joanne Haley
October 4, 2020 at 6:04 pm
Amazing as always. Cant wait for the YouTube channel and whatever exciting thing you have planned for Xmas. Always be true to yourselves and true to your followers and you will go a long way.
Good Luck with everything x
October 4, 2020 at 6:14 pm
Yeah remaining true to ourselves will always mean we remain true to our followers anyways and that is something we will be continuing for sure. Thanks as always for all the lovely support xx
October 4, 2020 at 6:13 pm
Love your instagram love you blog but I can’t wait for your tube channel you make me laugh love you guys n the kids xx
Alison Darby
October 4, 2020 at 6:18 pm
Good luck to you both and the boy, the girlie and Belle. You make me smile everyday and I love keeping up with your lovely family. Hoping for the best for you all. Xxxx
October 4, 2020 at 6:22 pm
You two are so down to earth and honest and I think if you did ever advertise anything you deep down didn’t really like I think your true original
Followers would see through it straight away. I feel like your existing followers feel the same …. and that is that we feel
Like we know you and your lovely family. I don’t think some free goodies will change that ….. well I really hope they don’t !
October 4, 2020 at 6:23 pm
Onwards and upwards. Exciting times ahead. You are just lovely and your boy and girly ? Hope your new ventures are everything you hope for and look forward to seeing your wonderful family having lots fun and happiness In the years to come x
October 4, 2020 at 6:35 pm
Always fabulous to hear how things are progressing for you. You two so deserve to do well & im not a bit surprised that so many people love you as much as I do. I started following you practically from the start & you have been such a pleasant distraction during difficult times & watching & following Two Dads is always the best tonic ever. I wish you so much luck in all you do & the hard work & dedication you put into everything you do will ensure success for you & joy for us too watching you succeed. Good luck you fabulous humans. xxx
October 4, 2020 at 6:37 pm
Congratulations to you Lew & Rich I think your a truly amazing family & look forward to seeing you on YouTube, I think you deserve all the success of what is too come, you light up a lot of lives with your positivity & fun.xxx
October 4, 2020 at 6:45 pm
I’m so glad you’ve finally taken the plunge to accept some of the perks that making such an amazing account brings. I’ve followed you from pretty much the beginning when Rich didn’t even want to be on it and Lew with all the characters (still miss those, see ya lata!)
I don’t think you could be anything but true to yourselves, you both seem like such up front and genuine people that I couldn’t imagine you being anything else.
Thank you for showing the highs and lows of parenting, you are amazing parents for those 2 lucky little ones (and Belle!)
Keep being you.
Lots of love!
October 4, 2020 at 6:48 pm
Exciting times ahead, I’ve only found your insta page recently and it’s fast becoming one of my favourites!
Good luck with everything, can’t wait to see what you get up too
christine farmer
October 4, 2020 at 7:04 pm
wishing you all the best for your future ventures xxxx ❤
Sharon E Lappin
October 4, 2020 at 7:08 pm
So excited to hear this news! The You Tube channel will be amazing! Can’t wait for that!
As far as the ads and campaigns, congratulations! I know any brand you work with will be so lucky to have you on board and as aways everything will be done with fun, good humour and absolute class!
I just love you guys! Thanks for all the laughs!
October 4, 2020 at 7:44 pm
aww this all sound fab. I’m sure whatever you do, you will put in 100% as usual and I certainly would trust your recommendations, looking forward to it all xxx
Lorna Crossan
October 4, 2020 at 7:51 pm
Love you guys can’t wait to see what the new year brings for you all, xx
Diane P
October 4, 2020 at 7:55 pm
Who’s gonna Subscribe ??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️??♀️ Good Luck and look forward to whatever next! ???
October 4, 2020 at 7:59 pm
I love your posts and you have both been in chats at school in the staff room about what lovely parents you are and how funny you both are (esp I mortgages ?). Totally understand the advertising and pleased you are only going for genuine products you will love. I look forward to seeing them.
October 4, 2020 at 8:01 pm
I love your page, it’s so refreshing to see a happy page not doing swipe ups every 5 stories!
I’m new to your page ( only been following for a month or 2!!) wish I had found you sooner!
Good luck
Your both amazing dads to the boy n girly xx
Rachel Dobbin
October 4, 2020 at 8:22 pm
Am so looking forward to exciting things you have planned lads and I’m sure as with everything you do you will give it your 100% and will be fantastic! Cannot wait to watch your journey and support you and your beautiful family all the way! ?
Eileen Trenchard (‘Pickles Trenchard’)
October 4, 2020 at 10:03 pm
Excited to read your news of what’s planned for the future, Lew and Rich, and really pleased that you’ve made the conscious decision to only ever promote brands you’d actually use yourselves!
Keeping being true to yourselves, you lovely people! Xx
October 4, 2020 at 10:41 pm
Love the new look of the blog. Your family stories and so up lifting.
Best of luck xxx ❤❤❤❤
October 4, 2020 at 10:50 pm
Absolutely over the moon with excitement that
y’all are going to be vlogging for your own YouTube channel.
Marta Larkin
October 4, 2020 at 11:20 pm
Lew & Rich (i feel i can call you this as I’ve watched you for ages lol) I love the idea of you both venturing further into becoming brand partners but it also fills my heart with pride that you won’t be jumping on the freebie bandwagon. You 2 are just so down to earth, i absolutely love it!
You’re parenting skills are on point ?
I’m saying that as a mother to 6 cats ?
Keep doing you guys & just continue being your lovely selves ?
October 5, 2020 at 7:16 am
Yay! A youtube channel. Sounds amazing gra those opportunities with both hands. x
October 5, 2020 at 11:45 am
My favourite family from day dot, have so enjoyed laughing crying sharing the ups and downs of family life , watching the kids grow, the grief at losing a loved pet and the joy that you have in your life, the meltdowns and the ironing board abuse , thanks for brightening my day wherever I am in the world I always check on you !
Much weenie love xx
Clare F
October 6, 2020 at 9:09 am
So pleased for you guys and looking forward to seeing what is next for you all.
Keep being you as you really are a breath of fresh air xx