• Chapter 40 – The Final Hearing…Celebrate

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    Today is the day, no more worries or stress, just pure happiness and a whole day to celebrate the fact that finally we are going to be legally made the boy’s Dad and Daddy. We haven’t slept much last night, mainly due to excitement, as we have literally been waiting a whole eighteen months for…

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  • Chapter 39 – The Court Hearing

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    So today is the day, one of the most important days in the entire adoption process and our entire lives to date, “the court hearing” where we find out if the birth parents will contest or whether the judge will decide that boy is to be legally ours. It’s been a long intense eighteen months…

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  • Chapter 38 – LAC Review and Court Chat

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    Well it’s been another week of extremely good team work on the parenting front, learning that we don’t both always have to do everything, but instead are taking turns with the whole bath and bedtime routine, to give each other a much needed break. Today, we have a very important meeting with a group of…

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  • Chapter 37 – Help, I need support

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    We have really settled into our new lifestyle and all the insignificant worries about how much porridge to pour into a bowl or how to change a nappy were gone, we are fully officially fledged nappy changing experts. Like everything in life, after a few messy mistakes or failed attempts, you just need to think…

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  • Chapter 36 – Settling in Letters

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    Rich has now been back at work full time for the past three weeks and it is safe to say that being a parent is the hardest job in the world, even harder than dancing inside a very heavy big bird costume. The routine we set out which has already had some adjustments and is…

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  • Chapter 35 – How am I going to cope by myself

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    There’s only a week to go before Rich goes back to work and although it has been amazing having him home with us, to enjoy this special time together as a family, which has included introducing the boy to our parents, siblings and even our grandparents, there is a little part of me that sort…

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  • Chapter 34 – A Grandma’s Experience

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    The year 2000 was a very important year in our house, even though from a young age inside I already knew, it was the first time that Lewis and I discussed his sexuality. It was a day that I always knew would come and when it did, there were a lot of tears on his…

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  • Chapter 33 – Meeting Nanny and Grandad

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    It’s been a couple of days since Lew got to introduce the boy to his parents and I am over the moon with how it went for him, it was so emotional in a good way and we haven’t noticed any change in the boy’s behaviour, which means it must have been the right time…

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  • Chapter 32 – Meeting Grandma and Gramps

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    So today is the day we are finally going to start introducing the boy to the family following Gemma’s advice, this afternoon my Mum and stepdad are coming to meet the boy but to him they will be known as “Grandma and Gramps”. We have literally just woken up from another full night’s sleep but…

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  • Chapter 31 – Gemma is coming over

    July 21, 2020 Richard and Lewis

    It has been a full week since we made the final journey home from Sally’s, the boys foster carers house and started our life as fully-fledged parents and so far, so good. The routine has been going to plan and we are enjoying every minute of it apart from the teething nappies and the common…

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